For these collages, I wanted to really show my own style of photos I enjoy taking the most, so I used photos of nature/landscapes, cities, and architecture. In my first monochromatic collage, I used a variation of greens to create more texture and space without making the collage seem too crowded. I used more toned down greens rather than bright greens, which helped develop a more calm and mysterious tone. In my second monochromatic collage, I focused on shape and value. I wanted to create a serene mood, and bring more attention to the darker blues. In my third monochromatic collage, I focused on line, shape, and texture. This piece had a gloomy and modern vibe to it. I also used a lot of text. Out of these collages, I feel that my green monochromatic collage is the most successful because it feels the most balanced, using the rule of thirds and a good range of values. In my blue monochromatic collage, I think it could be a lot stronger if I didn't put some of the text in the piece because the text took attention away from my focal point. After seeing the piece completed, I realized that the texts "Modern on the Inside" and "interview" were somewhat unnecessary. In my gray monochromatic collage, I feel that it's too heavy in the top of the piece and needs less focused information. Using less text would make the piece more balanced or using the text in a different part of the piece could have also made it stronger. It's kind of difficult to distinguish the focal point. In my quilt collage, I used a larger range of colors but I feel that they balance each other out because some are more toned down while others are more bold. I also used text in this piece but I feel that it was just the right amount, and didn't take away from the other aspects of the collage. They created more contrast, texture, and made you look around the piece. Generally, I think this was a successful piece. These collages were really fun to do! I think it'd be great to do more collages and I feel that these exercises have really helped me learn a lot.