In this assignment, I had to choose a phrase that describes one of my habits that I should try and change and convey it through a collage incorporating a photo or drawing that is printed on cloth as well as paper collage and embroidery. The phrase I chose to convey was "Living in our heads" because it was one of the things listed that I do the most. In this piece, there is a print of the photo I took on the cloth of the model, Kristyn, looking down, as if she is lost in her thoughts and unaware of "reality" off center. Above her, there is a paper collage, representing the "world" she has created in her head that she's thinking of. Keeping to my own personal style, I used more nature related photos, cutting them into various geometric shapes and sizes to create more variety of space, texture, and value in my composition and make one's eyes move around the piece without taking away emphasis from the focal point, Kristyn. Also, I wanted to display the different aspects of the "world" the model has created in her mind. There is a border of yellow embroidery, representing a "bright reality" and developing contrast between the border and both the blue cloth and paper collage. Despite having to re-shoot photos and having a somewhat difficult time with the embroidery, I am very satisfied with the end result. I feel that this piece is balanced and one of the strongest and most creative pieces I have made this year, although my craftsmanship could be better. While this wasn't my first time creating a mixed media piece, this was my first time doing embroidery and using the ink and cloth I did for my print. This was an extremely fun and helpful assignment that made me have new experiences and helped me become more comfortable with constructing mixed media pieces. I would definitely want to do an assignment similar to this or using the same materials in the future!